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art and literature submissions

art inspires art every single day - we want to see and share yours.

what we accept

Reviews, film analyses, poetry, prose, fiction, scripts, reviews, comics, illustrations, photography, collages - anything creative you have to offer, with a tether to films. Whether your work is inspired by, informed by, or akin to the art of filmmaking, we’re eager to read and publish it. We like anything from slice-of-life to experimental. From mundane to punch-you-in-the-gut work. If it’s got heart, we’ll love it.

what we sort of accept

Translated written works - only if you wrote the original piece(s).

Simultaneous submissions - let us know upfront if this is a simultaneous submission, and alert us immediately if they’re accepted elsewhere, so we can share the joy!

Reprints - only if they were previously posted/ published by you, or you have regained the rights to reprint. Let us know upfront if your piece has been published before.

what we don't accept

Any body of work promoting hateful, bigoted, discriminatory idealogies. We encourage work that discusses “sensitive” topics, as long as they are made with the right intentions. As for NSFW work, we’ll consider if it’s tastefully done (tread carefully with this one). 

submission formats

written submissions

Send us up to 5 pages of writing in DOC or DOCX form. If your piece has specific formatting, send us another copy of your document in PDF just to be safe. Start each new piece on a new page, using a readable font and sizing in both your document and your email.

visual submissions

Send us a Google Drive/ Dropbox link with up to 20 images, as large as possible. As for video submissions (video essay, etc.), feel free to send us a YouTube link instead.

who we publish

All are welcome to submit to 3shotcine. However, do note that we will prioritise processing submissions from smaller, independent artists, especially QTPOC and those based in Malaysia. 

how to submit

Email your submissions to with the subject line:

SUBMISSION - Genre - Your Name

​Include in your email your name and pronouns, a cover letter, a short bio (up to 120 words), your social media handles, and anything we should know about your work. 

If you wish to submit to two genres/features simultaneously, email your submissions separately. This helps our team process your submissions more efficiently.


Feel free to tell us as much about your submitted work as you’d like. We tend to like art better when we get to peek inside how it came to be, and what it truly means to you.

​As we said, we’re open to experimental. If it’s never been done before, we might like it even more. Send us anything you’ve made that you’re proud of. (Even if you’re on the fence about it, there’s a chance we’ll like it.)

filmmaker features

We currently accept submissions from all types of filmmakers - writers, composers, cinematographers - for our Filmmaker Features segment. These will take place either on our social media, our website, or both.

Our features may look different from one to the next - sometimes an article works best, other times a video interview may be better. If you have a format in mind, or a particular project you’d like us to cover, let us know in your email!

who we feature

All are welcome to submit to 3shotcine’s Filmmaker Features. However, do note that we will prioritise submissions from smaller, independent filmmakers, especially QTPOC and those based in Malaysia.

how to submit

Email your submissions to with the subject line:


FF SUBMISSION - Your Name/ Project's Name


​Include in your email your name and pronouns, a cover letter, your social media handles, and anything we should know about yourself and your work. You are encouraged to include a portfolio, or links to some of your work for us to study ahead of time.


In the event of a feature in conjunction with an upcoming premiere or recent release, time is of the essence! Have your email subject be similar to one of these instead for us to detect and process your submission faster:


FF SUBMISSION - Worldwide Premiere: 3 May 2024 - Your Name/ Project’s Name




FF SUBMISSION - Malaysian Release: 3 March 2024 - Your Name/ Project’s Name


**Note: In the event of too many FF submissions coming in, we will impose a small $2 tip with every submission to reduce submissions received. Don’t worry, we’ll announce if we ever move to make this change.

things to note:

response times

You should hear back from us within 3 months. Feel free to follow-up if you are yet to hear back on your submissions after 4-6 months - any delays likely either be due to Gmail sorting your email into spam unintentionally, changing plans for our upcoming features, or our editors being a little occupied with work/ studies.)

have questions?


In sending us your work, you acknowledge and confirm that all sent art is original and belongs wholly to you. By submitting, you are also granting us the right to make minor edits (of which you will be notified and asked to verify) and to publish your work and keep it in our archives. Copyright shall remain with the contributor. If your work is reprinted elsewhere in the future, we’d appreciate it if you acknowledged us as the initial home of your piece. 


Unfortunately, we are not able to compensate our contributors at the time being, but we are working to one day expand into a mag that is able to pay all our creative contributors.​​

Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions - via email, DM on social media, or our contact section.

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3shotcine, est. 2024. all rights reserved.

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