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the people behind


komal keshran

co-founder, head editor

Komal is known for loving poems, plants and plays, but was a film-lover before any of those things came into the picture. Komal founded Orange Blush Zine  in 2020, and decided to develop 3shotcine  in 2024 as a new branch of their passion for community-driven digital zines. They hate the word cinephile, and love David Fincher flicks.


sophia william

co-founder, asst. editor

Sophia William's fascination with slasher and psychological horror films inspires her exploration of the human psyche and suspense in storytelling. She is interested in how these film’s narratives delve into the complexities of human experience, leaving a lasting impression on their audience. She previously edited Orange Blush Zine alongside Komal Keshran.


danis firas

co-founder, writer

Danis Firas describes himself as a kinonerd, who enjoys everything from classic timeless flicks like Shark Tale and Ratatouille, to arthouse films like Irreversible and Funny Games. He tries to make sense of every single movie he encounters, finding inspiration in all of them. Most recently, Danis composed the score of One Way Out, written and directed by his long-time friend, Haresh Shan. Don’t ask Danis how he feels about La La Land.


shekinah louis


Shekinah is a 22-year old creator and poet, who strongly holds to the belief that there is no such thing as a bad film. If you've ever come across a "terrible" movie that has made you laugh — it has fulfilled its purpose! Following a passion that bloomed during her days at The Actors Studio by klpac, as well as the opportunity of being cast as an extra in a local Netflix movie (a fact Shekinah will announce to you within minutes of meeting her), she is confident that some of our greatest films are the ones forged on local soil.




Zeffrey or sometimes known as Mike/Michael does freelance art commissions, painting mostly character based works in a pseudo-classical style he has been cultivating since he was in high school and recently adopting a more modern painterly style. When watching kino on the down low, he loves analysing and finding meaning in cinema he watches. His favourite movies to analyse are 70's-90's Soviet Russian cinema which are often clouded in obscure metaphors and difficult-to-translate philosophical dialogue.

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